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As you know, Jim was unable to attend the reunion because he was hospitalized with a high fever. I checked with him recently and found out what was going on. Here is a quote from the email that he sent me:
(Jul 12, 2007)

As it turns out I had contacted salmonella bacteria while in Bangkok in May and did not know it until after 4 days in the hospital. The results of blood cultures came back and I was in isollation for 4 days after that while on a potent antibiotic via IV.

I have been home now 2 weeks and still on the IV (giving it to myself) until yesterday and now on an oral medication for a month.

The bacteria attacked my liver and I will be getting some additional treatment for several weeks but all in all I am doing fine.

It was a very tough week for me while in the hospital because of the ultra high temperature (103-104) so I am happy to have found the cause and now the treatment.

I know you guys are hesitant to make entries in the forums, but if anyone would like to wish Jim well, this would be a good way do it. Just hit the reply button below, type in you message, and hit submit.
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